Sunday, March 14, 2010

St. Clare Parish

St. Clare Church

St. Clare is located in the suburbs of southwest Portland just a block off Barbur Blvd. It appears to have been built in the 1960s. It has beautiful blond woodwork in the interior and an abstract metal crucifix sculpture behind the alter with the organ's pipes as part of the work of art. My camera's battery was dead so I could not get a picture of the interior. Maybe I will make it back for a quick photograph.

Father Tom Farley gave an interesting sermon about today's Gospel reading -- the story of the prodigal son. He compared the prodigal son story to the movie Ulee's Gold, where Peter Fonda plays the part of Ulee, a beekeeper father of two trying to keep his highly dysfunctional family together. Despite his grown children's transgressions and against all odds, Ulee patches his family back together again.