Thursday, November 4, 2010

Holy Family

 Holy Family Catholic Church is located in the 7500 block of SE 39th (SE Cesar Chavez Blvd.) near  Eastmoreland and Reed College. 

The inside of the church has some modern, artistic touches such as a clear glass window in the shape of a cross behind the altar with the crucified Jesus etched or molded into the cross-shaped window.  Also, behind the tabernacle are two large copper colored plates perhaps intended to remind one of the shape of a host, serving as an interesting backdrop.  Suspended above the tabernacle by a tripod is what appears to be a censer. 
The choir director was a pistol of a woman, providing the firmness and energy necessary to produce quality singing.  She alone is worth the price of admission. 

There is a school next to the church and many young children were in attendance.  The parishioners at the 10:30 am Mass were overwhelmingly white with one Filipino family and a single African-American man being the only other races represented that day.  The church was full for Mass. 

As usual I spoke to no one.  When I started this journey one of my goals was to meet new people.  That certainly hasn't occurred, mostly due to my own failure to reach out and introduce myself I suppose.  This church made a very favorable impression on me nonetheless.