Sunday, October 24, 2010

St. Stephen Catholic Church

St. Stephen
1112 SE 41st Avenue
Portland 97214

St. Stephen, like Holy Cross, is located just off a major thoroughfare and yet few people likely know it is there.  In St. Stephen's case, it is located in the Richmond neighborhood two blocks east of SE 39th and about two blocks south of SE Belmont. 

The building reminds me of St. Andrew in NE Portland with its tan colored brick exterior and cream trim.  It is an attractive, medium size building.  I went to the 11 am Mass last Sunday.  Many parishioners were late and the Mass began about ten minutes late.  Reverend Petrus Hoang was the celebrant.  Fr. Hoang is a sweet-faced Vietnamese priest with a distinctive accent.  What I understood of his sermon was uplifting, but his accent and the church acoustics made following him a challenge.  The parishioners were mostly white with maybe two Vietnamese families present. 

It was a rainy morning and I was eager to get out of the weather going into and coming out of the church.  I did not come away with much of a feel for this parish, positive or negative, perhaps on account of the weather.